Real Good
Made with the planet in mind.
Love your ‘fit, love your planet with Real Good.
As part of our broader sustainability goals, we’ve made a commitment to moving toward more sustainable raw materials and
reducing our water and energy usage.
Look for the “Real Good”
Real Good By the Numbers
The water saved by every |
The amount by which we’ve |
The number of plastic |
Real Good
Made with the planet
in mind.
Love your ‘fit, love your planet with Real Good.
As part of our broader sustainability goals, we’ve
made a commitment to moving toward more
sustainable raw materials and reducing our water
and energy usage.
Look for the “Real
Good” Badge
Love your ‘fit, love your planet with Real Good.
As part of our broader sustainability goals, we’ve
made a commitment to moving toward more
sustainable raw materials and reducing our water
and energy usage.
Real Good By
the Numbers
The water saved by every
pair of Real Good jeans on
The amount by which we’ve
reduced the water used to
make each pair of jeans.
The number of plastic
bottles used in recycled
polyester in 2022 alone.